MyCointainer helps crypto developers by enabling and taking the cost for running 100 masternodes

A brief introduction to masternodes

Masternodes weren’t always part of the blockchain consensus. It’s relatively new concept dated back to May 2015 when Dash (or rather Darkcoin which was Dash’s name at that time) introduced this concept for the first time. So what is masternode? It’s simply put a serves that runs on a decentralized network of the currency of your choice. Normally, masternodes are used to help accelerate the transaction verification, with masternodes features like InstaSend or DirectSent are possible masternodes also allows to participate in the coin governance system, i.e. gives users voting rights.

Should you get a masternode now?

It’s obvious that obtaining your own masternode can be really profitable, all you have to do is choose the right coin. Masternodes, however, tend to be pricey. For instance, at the moment of writing this article, the price of DASH masternode is around $75 thousands (as you need 1000 DASH as collateral). So even if the ROI from having masternode is great and it’s a great way to obtain passive income source, getting one masternode on your own seems kinda expensive business.

MyCointainer’s Masternode Initiative

At MyCointainer we know how important are masternodes for keeping the stability of the network and improving scalability as well as voicing tools in the future development of the coins. So we decided to help developers with keeping their networks running. We’ll purchase and share with our community 100 masternodes for every PoS coin we provide staking services for.

We believe that with this initiative we will help spread awareness, keep the network growing and at the same time, our users will have an additional source of passive income from masternodes, on the scale unprecedented before. With MyCointainer’s staking system every user will get access to masternodes. MyCointainer’s Masternode Initiative will eliminate cons that were usually keeping people from getting masternode.

This means there is no more need to pay a sizeable amount of initial collateral to buy masternode and no more troubles setting up VPS server.

Welcome to the new era of generating passive income – cryptocurrency staking and masternodes combined

MyCointainer’s Masternode initiative everyone can stake like a pro. Earning crypto dividends has never been this easy. What is more, you are staking coins, generating profits from Masternodes and helping the network performing better at the same time!

Happy staking!

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